Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Own a business with a product or service you would like to market online.
Want to upgrade your marketing, sales, or public relations skills and grow your business faster.
Can commit to 3-7 hours per week for the duration of the course.
Click here to complete the online application(s).
There are costs associated with each online course.
You will be contacted by a member of the BizHack Academy team after your application is completed.
BizHack Academy offers various online courses to help you improve your marketing and leadership skills for your small business. At the moment, the following courses are available through BizHack:
Provided by: BizHack Academy
If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:
Program Information: Digital Marketer’s Edge
If you want to learn a new skill or network with business owners and experts, check our our calendar. Updated regularly, this resource is packed with a variety of options for all types of business owners.
Small Business Calendar