Information you’ll need to provide

  • Basic contact information (name, phone number, email address, etc.).
  • Demographic information (gender, race, sexuality, disabilities, etc.).
  • Information about your business: business name, website, social media, year founded, physical address, EIN, gross annual revenue, employee amount, etc.
  • Financial information about your business: annual revenue, number of clients, status of products, etc.
  • Short-form answers to questions about your top challenges, milestones and goals for next year, how your business contributes to Miami-Dade County's community and your expansion plan for its continued impact.
  • Information about your business's relationship to technology and AI.

Helpful tips

  • This is a 7-week virtual program from February - March 2025.
  • eMerge Americas is only selecting 50 small businesses for this program.
  • In January 2025, they will announce who has been accepted into the eMerge SMB Growth Lab program.
  • Use this link to access the SMB Growth Lab Open-Session Workshops.

About this program

Provided by: eMerge Americas

If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:

Program Information: eMerge Americas SMB Growth Lab 2025

Register today!

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