No deadline, actively lending.
Are a small business owner in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Monroe County.
Have tried to apply for other loans but are unable to obtain conventional financing.
Are able to provide collateral (depend on loan and application).
You are looking for capital to help your business expand, relocate, create or retain jobs.
Click here to download the application.
Call the South Florida Regional Planning Council at (954) 924-3653 and ask to speak with a representative about the Revolving Loan Program.
They will assist you in completing the application and submitting the required documents.
Provided by: The South Florida Regional Planning Council
If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:
Program Information: Revolving Loan Fund
Additional Information: Revolving Loan Fund Facts
If you want to learn a new skill or network with business owners and experts, check our our calendar. Updated regularly, this resource is packed with a variety of options for all types of business owners.
Small Business CalendarHere is direct contact information for Program Representatives who will answer any questions and help you apply.