This application is currently closed and will reopen in June.
Are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident that is over 18 years old.
Own a registered business in the U.S.
Own an eligible type of business: private entities (corporations, etc.), for-profits, and non-profits.
Your business is interested in the following topics: National Security, Economic Security, Domestic Manufacturing, Production, Sustainability, and Biotechnology. For a full list of topics, use this link.
To apply for the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, use this link.
Based on their requirements, applicants must complete a maximum 13-slide presentation, a single-slide presentation, and a 90-second video.
Provided by: Small Business Administration (SBA) and America's Seed Fund
If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:
Program Information: SBA Growth Accelerator Fund Competition
Additional Information: Webinar Slides, Competition Guidelines
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