As soon as possible. The application is due June 1, 2024.
Own a small business.
Would like access to training and workshops to help your business grow.
Want to develop your business network and be part of a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
Would like to be part of a business pitch competition to win a cash prize.
Attend a free workshop or webinar.
Schedule a tour of our media room.
Apply for the next six-week program session starting June 6. Use this link to apply if you are an entrepreneur in Miami-Dade County. If you are not, you can use this link.
Provided by: Haitian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (HACCOF)
If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:
Program Information: ScaleUp305
If you want to learn a new skill or network with business owners and experts, check our our calendar. Updated regularly, this resource is packed with a variety of options for all types of business owners.
Small Business CalendarHere is the direct contact information for a Program Representative who will answer any questions and help you apply.
If you don’t hear back within 48 hours, send us an email at
Naed Jasmin Desire, Operations Manager
Haitian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida