No deadline, on-going program.
Live in Florida (you do not have to be a US citizen).
Are a woman who is pregnant, recently postpartum or breastfeeding.
Are the caregiver to an infant or children up to 5 years.
Make less than the income limits. Click here and select the size of your household to view income limits.
Contact your local WIC office. Find the local phone number on this list or call 1-800-342-3556 and ask for the phone number of the office closest to you.
The local WIC office will give you an appointment to see if you are eligible. At this visit, your household income and the medical/nutrition status of each applicant will be reviewed.
If approved, a representative will go over your benefits with you and you will be mailed a benefit card to purchase food and formula.
Provided by: The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade WIC Program
If you have questions, you can speak with a program representative at:
Program Information: Miami-Dade WIC
Additional Information: Miami-Dade WICCenter Locations
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